a - z指数

转换双学分 & 审查信用

You can earn credit prior to attending Northwest in a variety of ways. Northwest accepts dual credit and credit by examination; Dual credit, AP, CLEP, IB信贷, DSST, 一个水平, SoBL, 测试. 下面是每种方法的指导方针.


Northwest will accept for credit courses taken while enrolled in high school under the Dual Enrollment Program, as long as the courses are not vocational in nature and follow the State Guidelines for Dual Enrollment 课程s issued June 1999. 为了获得信用, the 招生办公室 must receive an official college transcript from the college or university granting the credit. Simply contact the college or university from which your credit was earned and request an official transcript to be sent to Northwest's 招生办公室.


大学先修课程(AP) Tests are administered by your high school, 所有的官方考试成绩都要寄到 招生办公室 获得信用. Northwest grants credit only in the following areas, with the required minimum scores:

课程成绩要求 小时给予
非裔美国人研究(77-916) 3 3
美国历史(33-905) 3 3
艺术史(13-102) 3 3
生物学(04-102/103) 3 4
微积分AB (17-120) 3 4
微积分BC* (17-120) 3 4
化学* (24-114/115) 3 4
比较政府与政治学(34-310) 3 3
计算机科学A (44-241) 3 3
计算机科学原理(44-101) 3 3
图(13 - 120) 3 3
英语语言及比较(10-111) 3 3
英国文学与比较(10-908) 3 3
环境科学(04-420) 3 4
欧洲历史(26-103) 3 3
法语语言与文化* (14- 131,14 -132) 3 6
德语语言与文化(14-916) 3 3
人文地理学(32-101) 3 3
拉丁语(14 - 916) 3 3
宏观经济学(52 - 150) 3 3
微观经济学(52 - 151) 3 3
音乐理论(19-910) 3 3
物理1 (25-110/111) 3 4
物理2 (25-112/113) 3 4
物理C -力学* (25-120/121) 3 5
微积分(17 - 117) 3 5
心理学(08 - 103) 3 3
研究(10 - 902) 3 3
西班牙语言和文化* (14- 141,14 -142) 3 6
西班牙文学(14-916) 3 3
统计(17 - 114) 3 3
工作室艺术:2-D设计(13-191) 3 3
工作室艺术:3-D设计(13-192) 3 3
美国政府与政治(34-924) 3 3
世界历史(26-203) 3 3

*For a 课程 分数 greater than 3, additional credit will be awarded. 见下表.

课程成绩要求 小时给予
微积分BC (17- 120,17 -121) 4 9
化学(24-114/115、24-116/117) 4 9
法语语言与文化(14- 131,14 - 132,14 -232) 4 9
French Language and Culture (14-131, 14-132, 14-232, 14-233) 5 12
物理C -力学(25-120/121,25-230/231) 4 10
西班牙语言与文化(14- 141,14 - 142,14 -242) 4 9
Spanish Language and Culture (14-141, 14-142, 14-242, 14-243) 5 12


大学水平考试计划(CLEP) exams may be taken on the Northwest campus at our Assessment Office (660.562.1452)或任何其他机构的测试中心. Students may not receive credit for any of these exams in subject areas already enrolled in at the college level or in which college credit has already been granted; students may not receive credit for CLEP exams retaken less than six months after the previous exam. For exams taken at other testing agencies, students must supply the 招生办公室 with original score reports from the testing agency in order 获得信用.

标准分数 小时给予
美国文学(10-908) 50 3
文学分析与解释(10-908) 51 3
大学作文(10-111) 50 3
英国文学(10- 1990) 49 3
美国政府(34-924) 55 3
美国历史I -至1877年(33-155) 49 3
美国历史II - 1865年至今(33-156) 49 3
宏观经济学导论(52-150) 50 3
微观经济学入门(52-151) 50 3
心理学入门(08-103) 50 3
社会学导论(35-101) 50 3
西方文明I (26-102) 50 3
西方文明II (26-103) 50 3
初等函数微积分(17-120) 49 4
大学代数(17-118) 48 3
大学代数/三角学(17- 118,17 -119) 50 5
普通生物学(04-102/103) 49 4
普通化学(24-114/115) 50 4
微积分(17 - 117) 50 5
三角函数(17 - 119) 54 2
财务会计(51-201) 55 3
商法导论(53-311) 50 3
信息系统(44-130) 50 3
管理原理(54-313) 50 3
市场营销原理(55-330) 50 3
法语(14- 131,14 -132) 50 6
法语(14-131、14-132、14-232和14-233) 63 12
西班牙语(14- 141,14 -142) 50 6
西班牙语(14- 141,14 - 142,14 -242和14-243) 63 12


CLEP General exams may be used to fulfill General Education requirements and receive credits, 但可能不等同于特定的西北球场.

标准分数 小时给予
自然科学(04-911或40-911) 50 3
社会科学(35-906) 50 3
人文学科(26 - 909) 50 3
数学(17 - 912) 50 3


Northwest recognizes the rigor of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and is pleased to award students credit for IB courses completed at their high school. Several subjects have been evaluated by academic departments at Northwest and course credit will be awarded to the student if the designated score was achieved. Credit is awarded for higher level examinations only unless otherwise stated. Official score reports must be received directly from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

课程 分数
生物学HL (04-102/103) 4 4
化学HL (24-112/113) 4 4
化学HL (24-114/115) 5 4
经济学SL (52-130) 4 3
经济学HL (52-150) 4 3
英语A:文学(10-908) 4 3
英语A:语言 & 文学(10 - 908) 4 3
英语A:语言 & 文献(10-908和10-111) 5 6
法语B SL/HL (14-131) 5 3
地理HL (32-101) 4 3
历史深度研究HL (33-990) 4 3
美洲历史(33-155)                 4 3
欧洲历史(26-103)            4 3
信息技术在全球社会(44-920) 4 3
数学:应用程序 & 解释SL (17-116) 4 3
数学:应用程序 & 解释HL (17-118) 4 3
数学:分析与方法SL (17-120) 5 4
数学:分析与方法HL (17- 120,17 -121) 6 9
音乐HL (19-201) 4 3
哲学SL/HL (39-171) 4 3
物理HL (25- 110,25 -111) 4 4
物理HL (25- 110,25 -111, 25- 112,25 -113) 5 8
心理学(08 - 103)         4 3
社会和文化人类学(35-460) 4 3
西班牙语B SL/HL (14-141)                5 3
戏剧艺术SL (43-101) 4 3
戏剧艺术HL(43-101及43-920) 4 5
视觉艺术SL (13-910) 4 3
视觉艺术HL(13-910和13-920) 4 6
世界历史专题SL/HL (26-920) 4 3


课程 ACE得分
越南战争史(1933 - 1990) 400 3
西方世界的艺术(13-910) 400 3
天文学(40 - 122) 400 3
商业道德与社会(39-275) 400 3
商业数学(54-920) 400 3
计算机和信息技术(44-130) 400 3
刑事司法(34- 205,34 -920) 400 6
环境科学(27-911) 400 3
美国伦理(39-909) 400 3
教育基础(61-461) 400 3
大学代数基础(17-118) 400 3
心理咨询基础(08-920) 400 3
网络安全基础(44-990) 400 3
普通人类学(35-108) 400 3
健康和人类发展(22-110/111) 400 3
苏联历史(33- 1990) 400 3
人力资源管理(54-920) 400 3
人文地理(32-101) 400 3
商业导论(54-920) 400 3
执法概论(34-990) 400 3
世界宗教概论(26-162) 400 3
生命发展心理学(08-333) 400 3
管理信息系统(54-920) 400 3
文科数学(17-171) 400 3
货币与银行(53- 1990) 400 3
组织行为学(54-920) 400 3
个人理财(53-920) 400 3
高级英语写作原理(10-111) 400 3
金融原理(53-990) 400 3
物理科学原理I (40-102) 400 3
公共演讲原则(29-102) 400 3
统计学原理(17-114) 400 3
监督原则(54-920) 400 3
药物滥用(08-920) 400 3
内战与重建(33-534) 400 3

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level examinations


考试s must reflect a grade of C or higher on a US grading scale to earn credit. 澳门网上博彩官方网站只授予及格学分,不授予分数. Credit is only awarded for A (Advanced)-Level examinations, not for AS (Advanced Subsidiary)-Level. 每次考试将获得8个学分.

西北等效课程 小时
电脑 & 数学考试*
CSIS 44-130计算机信息 &科技 2
计算机程序设计1 2
数学17-118大学代数 2
数学17-120微积分 2
电脑 考试*
CSIS 44-130计算机信息 &科技 4
计算机程序设计1 4
数学 考试*
数学17-118大学代数 4
数学17-120微积分 4
心理学 考试
PSYC 08-103普通心理学 4
PSYC 08-920初级心理学选修 4
社会学 考试
SOC 35-101一般社会学 4
SOC 35-920低级社会学选修 4
经济学 考试
宏观经济学原理 4
经济学25-151微观经济学原理 4
会计 考试
1 .会计 4
会计2 4
商业研究 考试
MGMT 54-313管理原理 4
MKTG 55-330市场营销原理 4
化学 考试
化学24-114/115普通化学I/实验室 4
化学24-116/117普通化学II/实验室 4
生物学 考试
BIOL 04-102/103普通生物学 & 实验室 4
BIOL 04-920低级生物选修 4
物理 考试
物理学报(自然科学版 & 实验室 4
物理学报(物理版 & 实验室 4

*电脑 and 数学 can be taken separately or together; credit hours will be adjusted accordingly depending on whether 电脑, 数学, 或电脑 & 数学 exams were completed - totaling 8 credit hours of awarded credit.


The Missouri 双语印 (SoBL) is awarded to graduating high school students in districts with a DESE-approved program, 谁在英语方面表现出色, a Language Other Than English (LOTE) and sociocultural competence through the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (行为FL) and 行为FL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) testing. Equivalent scores on another measure of proficiency recognized by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for use with the Missouri 双语印 may also be considered. All Missouri students studying any of the world’s languages are potential Seal candidates. The equivalencies listed below are for Spanish using the AAPPL assessment. A 双语印 issued in another state may also be accepted upon review of the criteria.

西北航线等效 AAPPL成绩要求
Lang 14141,14142, 14242, 14243, 14344, *14990 每个技能至少达到A级 18
朗14141、14142、14242、14243 每项技能至少达到中级(I-3) 12
朗14141,14142 每个技能至少获得新手最高分(N-4) 6

* 14990 represents Upper-Level Language elective to bring the total credit to the level indicated.


Departmental test-out differs from 跳级 in that the examinations are administered and credit awarded solely by the department, 而不是通过像CLEP这样的国家机构, 行为, 等. 因此, the student should contact the department for information on which courses are available for test-out and examination dates.

政策: Students expecting to test out of a course should not enroll in the course. The student must be enrolled at Northwest for the period during which the test-out is administered and credit is awarded.

The chairperson or dean determines what courses are available for test-out and will arrange for the test-out process in accordance with department policy.

试销会导致计划变更的地方, the entire test-out process should be completed before the end of the 100% refund period.

Test-out may not be taken to superseded a "D" or "F" grade. 考试可在符合资格的班级重复进行两次, subject to department approval but a period of six months must elapse between testing. 分数由“A”、“B”、“C”或“D”四个字母组成.